Genres are specific, but books are universal. It is possible to find shelf space for all kinds of stories in just about any bookstore you go into. Regardless of your age, background, or preferences, there is a story out there that will speak to you on a deep and meaningful level. Novels make the reader invested because they enable them to escape from reality while at the same time they can also leave them with valuable insight into their own life choices.

A story is told of a great physicist who once said: “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” These may be words that go straight to the heart of fantasy fans around the world as this genre provides them with precisely what they crave for inside their geeky little hearts, allowing them to become all-powerful in their own way and take their pick out of so many possibilities within it but one thing remains true across all of that – a good imagination does not only help you to sail off into the ocean of wonders contained within those pages, but also helps you develop your emotional intelligence and gain greater control over your feelings and behavior.

One of the world’s most brilliant physicists, Albert Einstein, once said: “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” And we couldn’t agree more. Our group of passionate writers might be considered a bit unusual in the way they came to write and the topics they write about – but don’t be intimidated by this! The point of what we’re trying to say here is that reading fiction books (and sometimes also non-fiction as it can have some interesting behind-the-scenes tidbits thrown in there) can improve not only your imagination power but also increase your emotional intelligence. Regardless, let’s start with our top reasons why everyone should read at least one fiction book per month:

Benefits of Reading Fiction

Reading fiction books can stimulate the brain. We know that neuroscience has revealed that it’s possible to actually enhance connectivity in our brains through reading. The more we read, the more permeable our neurological pathways become and the more open we are to new ideas and experiences.

Reading fiction stimulates our Imagination, allowing us to see things from a different perspective than we would in everyday life. Neuroscientists have discovered that reading fiction can help us create new neural pathways and improve brain function. One of the key benefits of reading is that not only can you forget your troubles and make the best of your time, but it also helps to stimulate creativity!

That’s what makes a good fiction book so much fun to read. The characters and the plot just appear on the page, waiting to be nourished by your Imagination, inviting you to reframe their story in many different and unique ways. You could lose yourself in an excellent fictional tale, imagining what would happen if the characters were slightly different or how things might turn out differently if they followed an other course of action.

A fictional story is a wildly imaginative tale with imaginary characters and an exciting plot. A story may be inspired by real-life events, but it offers readers new perspectives on everyday situations. Readers engage in a fictional story to escape reality for a little while and to imagine scenarios that would never occur in their daily lives.

There are many points of view when it comes to reading and writing fiction. A book is an invitation, a portal that opens up your imagination and takes you on a wild adventure in an entirely different world with imaginary characters and an exciting plot. It may have some similarities to the real world, but you’re inspired to think about things in ways you never would with everyday life and mundane experiences. There is no limit as to what can happen or how it will end, which makes reading fiction far more stimulating than just experiencing everyday life.

There are few things that are as pleasurable and enjoyable in life as reading a good book, especially when it’s fiction. A novel does not follow a set of rules or boundaries; instead, it is limitless in what can be done for its story.